A picture containing drawing, clock

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1999 - 07  | 2008 - 10  |  2011 - 12  |  2013 - 14  |  2015 - 16  |  2017 - 18  |  2019 - 20  | 2021 - 23  |  2024 +



A group of people standing on a grassy field

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Team Photos 2024 ….






A chronological collection of team photos, still in existence, charting the progression of the Far from the MCC since their inception back in 1998 (formerly known as Jude the Obscure). Early specimens are photocopies of blurred film-stock, whereas more recent examples make use of what is commonly referred to as modern technology.







Wantage & Grove, Oxford v Wantage & Grove CC.

- 2024


A group of men in white uniforms posing for a photo

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Back Row: Corne Vermaak, Chris Roberts, Jake Hotson, Chris Williams, David Shorten

Mark Rundle, Geoff Carter (wkt)

Middle Row: Richard Hadfield, Russ Turner (c), Gary Timms

Front Row: Ian Howarth




Long Compton, Warwickshire v Long Compton CC.

- 2024


A group of people in white outfits posing for a photo

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Back Row: Geoff Carter, Jake Hotson (wkt), Ian Howarth, David Shorten

Andrew Darley, James Hoskins

Front Row: Mike Reeves, John Harris, Russ Turner (c), Gary Timms, Joe Cartwright




Appleton, Oxford v Heligoland CC & Appleton CC.

- 2024


A group of people posing for a photo

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Back Row: Andrew Darley, Ian Howarth, John Harris, Jake Hotson, Matt Bullock, Jan Webster

Geoff Carter, Mark Rundle, James Pearson

Front Row: James Hoskins, David Shorten, Russ Turner (c), Chris Roberts

Gary Timms, Joe Cartwright




Carhampton, Somerset v Porlock CC.

- 2024


A group of people posing for a photo

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Back Row: Mark Rundle, Joe Cartwright, Lee Ainsworth, Chris Williams, James Bateman, Gary Timms, Matt Bullock

Richard Hadfield, Geoff Carter, Chris Roberts, Jake Hotson (ball with Blake Ainsworth)

David Shorten, Mike Reeves

Front Row: Ian Howarth, James Hoskins (with Giant Duck), Russ Turner




Timberscombe, Somerset v Timberscombe CC.

- 2024


A group of people posing for a photo

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Back Row: Joe Cartwright, Gary Timms, Mark Rundle, Lee Ainsworth, Geoff Carter, James Bateman

Mike Reeves, Russ Turner, Jake Hotson

Front Row: David Shorten, James Hoskins, Matt Bullock (with Giant Duck), Richard Hadfield

Blake Ainsworth, Ian Howarth, Chris Williams