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05  |  06  |  07  |  08-17  |  18-22



“2006 AGM Report




The MAD’s home pub of The Magdalen provided the venue for the Far from the MCC’s Annual General Meeting. Despite being hosted just shy of Christmas, it was a much warmer affair than last year, though certainly not warm enough to get away with wearing shorts and flip flops.





Warm enough, Dan?



It is always heartening when the attendance is good; such was the case, as it goes someway to providing a decent pointer as to the general wellbeing of the Club. We must also extend our thanks to Ben (landlord) for clearing the decks of one corner of the pub and enabling us to host the event – and also Mr. Hoskins for keeping track of the minutes despite numerous interruptions and being heckled at every turn.



‘Dep. Minutes’






Part I – Notes on attendance


Apologies for absence:


Geoff Carter

Andy Cavanagh  (working)

Mike Clarke  (somewhere in China)

Ade Fisher  (and for the previous 15 months absence)

Richard Hadfield





Matt Bullock  (Chairman)

Steve Dobner

Dan Edwards  (Vice Captain outgoing)

John Harris

Nick Hebbes

James Hoskins  (Minutes)

Jake Hotson  (Fines Chairman, Vice Captain)

Ian Howarth  (Captain)

Gary Littlechild

Tony Mander

Antony Mann  (Fixtures Secretary)

Andrew Morley

Steve Parkinson

Mike Reeves

Dave Shorten

Adrian Small

Thornton Smith

Martin Westmoreland  (Treasurer)





Part II – Chairman’s Welcome


The Chairman began to report on what an amazing season it had been for FFTMCC – congratulating all those who participated in the first winning season since records began back in 1998. Matt made special mention of the fact that this was achieved without even playing the Marlborough who had become total whipping boys. He remarked on what a successful season it has been under the new Skipper, and that the website contained a summary of the year’s games – so which end he would not be summarising himself. Lazy bastard.




Moo (batting) – a cornerstone of The MAD’s success in 2016.





Part III – Treasurer’s Report


The Treasurer (Moo) reported that the Club were in a healthy financial state, dispelling rumours that we were some 28 billion pounds in debt. Sponsorship from the Magdalen Pub continued to be a welcome boost to club funds and a particular thanks to the Landlord, Ben. Martin also reported on an investment requirement for next season – that of insurance, which will be required if we are to continue drinking special strength lager during matches.





Insurance is vital for super strength drinking injuries.




Part IV – Ethos


A new agenda item for this year was a brief statement from the Chairman and the Captain (current, pre-elections) about the Ethos of the team. By this, it is meant how we will endeavour to play the game over the following season to keep the balance between competitiveness and friendliness, and also a general discussion on what The MAD stands for in the world of cricket. We aim to maintain the social aspect of the game and to give everyone a game where possible. On the pitch this means we may opt for a closer game against opposition rather than hammering them into the ground, necessitated by altering team selection accordingly. In essence we shall “make the game a Sunday game”. Team members are encouraged to support the Captain and Committee in this ethos. Thankfully the Marlborough House have folded – so that is one team where we don’t have to worry about “ethos”.





Part V – Committee Member Elections


Always a popular part of the evening – voting for the following season’s Committee positions would take up the following hour. Herewith the results after all votes were tallied, rigged and doctored….





Everyone had long since gone home as Steve regaled stories of winning the Vice Skipper role.




Elected Committee Posts



Matt Bullock

 - wishes to continue as Chairman, unopposed.


Fixtures Secretary

Antony Mann

 - wishes to continue in the role, no contenders.



Martin Westmoreland

 - wishes to continue as official Bean Counter, unopposed.



Ian Howarth

 - stands for another term, no contenders to the throne.


Vice Captain

Steve Dobner

 - is elected Vice Captain, after Dan Edwards stands down, opposed by Messrs Hotson, Hoskins and Westmoreland.





Non-Committee Posts


Tour Organiser

James Hoskins

 - wishes to take on the role, no contenders.


Fines Chairman

Jake Hotson

 - continues as Fines Chairman, opposed by Andrew Morley.


Social Secretary

Andy Cavanagh

 - stands for the position by proxy, no contenders.





Part VI – Season 2007


Membership Rates

Agreed to be kept at £20 and match fees to be kept at £5.



Not really started yet, although we do have three allegedly. Ant welcomes suggestions of new teams from everyone. Steve Dobner suggests a trip to Aspendon CC (in Stevenage). Everybody agrees that round trip of 140 miles would be ridiculous for one game of cricket, but we might just be tempted….



Pembroke College shall remain the home ground for the time being – especially since there are plans to improve the toilet and changing room facilities. This is on the understanding that the college don’t increase the hire charges as a result.


Home Pub

The team agree unanimously to stay at The Magdalen pub on the Iffley Road. Landlord Ben kindly offers a sweetener of £500 in sponsorship.





Equipment and Sundries

Hats again dominate discussions, with votes being cast in favour of accruing baseball hats instead of Aussie style ‘baggies’. No new shirts to be ordered, although last seasons’ designs would be available for interested parties.



As is a MAD custom, any new players to the team (and Steve Hebbes) were appropriated with the following nicknames after a group discussion:


Dave Shorten – Hang Time

Mike Reeves – Cloughie

Adrian Small – Mr. Small

Steven Parkinson Mincer

Steve Hebbes – Dr. Oops





Part VII – FFTMCC Awards


Always a popular part of the evening – voting for the following season’s Committee positions would take up the following hour. Herewith the results after all votes were tallied, rigged and doctored….





Don’t worry, Ant – you were shit, so you won’t have to carry any of this lot home.






A glass of wine

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Roll of MAD Honours




Player Of The Season

Dan Edwards


Most Improved Player

Martin Westmoreland



Ian Howarth


Champagne Moment

Dan Edwards

 - scoring the long awaited first MAD Century  (v Wootton & Boars Hill CC #119)


James’ MAD Fantasy Cricket

Gary Littlechild

(Inaugural Shield)





Part VIII – Any Other Business


Club coaching to be considered with the possibility of it being club funded.


The club are looking to extend season into September as the weather is generally better than the rest of the fucking summer. A request to try and start matches earlier. Also, can we play the Dutch team again….


A note was made for everyone to take responsibilities after the game more seriously. Particularly when it comes to club kit bags and clearing up the ground and pavilion thereafter.


Cricket tea moans: more seafood sandwiches required please, Kev. It had been noticed that there was a paucity of butter in the sarnies (or was it that there was too much butter?!) and there could be better soft drinks at tea rather than just ‘tea’. Bla bla bla etc etc moan moan fucking moan….





Here is to a successful MAD campaign in 2007!!!