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MAD Glossary “L – P”
(Updated to end of Season
Comic book? Graphic novel? Back of a graffiti-daubed toilet door? The
Glossary is an idea dating back to 2006 which was sewn by Mike Reeves, who having
recently joined the club from a shit pub team worse than our own, declared he
hadn’t got a clue what everyone else was on about. His reasoning was that
since the club was established some eight years previous, many of the terms,
references and lingo were alien to the unacquainted. Fast forward to the future and after an annually exhaustive MOT, the
Far from the MCC’s allegedly most
popular web page comes back online. A huge amount of thanks to all
contributors, however small, for the gems and inspiration which have gone
into creating this encyclopaedic breakdown of MAD folklore. |
and Flag This centrally located Oxford
pub is a regular haunt to team members and has also hosts regular Committee
Meetings. It was also venue to a book launch by Matt Bullock (about Oxford
pubs). The pub eventually reopened in 2022 after a few years of updates and
renovations. |
Laughter Central to the FFTMCC’s core
beliefs in friendly cricket is a good bloody laugh (and moan). With so much
emphasis on winning at all costs, many of the people within the team
gravitated away from league cricket. Everyone needs a laugh, it’s essential
for the soul. |
Lefties Left-handed batsman have
always been in short supply for The MAD. So much so, they are considered
something of a wonder. Currently there are two specimens within the ranks,
one with a small head (Mr L. G. Ainsworth – left) and one with a large head
(Mr M. K. Reeves – right). |
Lennie Lenny is a fictional
character who looks much like the FFTMCC’s tallest cricketer, Mr C. D.
Roberts. He came to prominence on Tour in 2015, attending two games with his
mate, George, and playing in the one. |
Leon Leon suffers from ginger
pubes. He does apparently. I have no idea who the fuck Leon is or the why,
but this revelatory fact was announced on Tour to Minehead in 2017 by Mark
Rundle. |
Lighthouse The famous red and white striped lighthouse which players
visited after their Tour game against Happisburgh CC, Norfolk in 2012. Pretty
soon Mr Reeves’ flood defences will have totally failed and the iconic
structure will have been washed into the sea…. |
Lincolnshire Is a ceremonial county in the East Midlands and
Yorkshire and the Humber regions of England. The MAD toured the area back in
2009 with native Steve Parkinson boasting in advance of “opening doors” for
the team. |
(“The line is mine!”) July of 2006 threw up the now classic phrase “the line is
mine!” This quote, uttered with increasing volume by wicket keeper Gary
Littlechild, was in reference to a stumping appeal where the batsmen’s back
foot was on the line (and therefore not grounded in his crease and therefore
OUT). To Gary’s fury, the batsman would survive the appeals, but the
incendiary incident would be forever etched into MAD folklore. |
Lords Home
of cricket and home to a posse of Madsters in 2007 when watching a T20
between Middlesex and Essex. It was a fun day out on the piss and some of the
group can even remember the cricket. Andrew Strauss probably remembers the
game quite well – as he was relentlessly sledged from the terraces by a completely
addled Spam. |
Ball One
of the most regular sights when the Far from the MCC are bowling – is that of
a lost ball. |
Louth Home
to The MAD’s volatile Steve Parkinson – renegade office worker turned
fulltime farmer turned corporate whore. Steve organised the Tour to the area
in 2009, where he exposed the group to the England women’s cricket team, a
man who had never lost a fight, and a shit nightclub where you got your face
kicked in. |
Changing Rooms Placard On the Tour of Louth, the changing rooms of the recently
opened London Road Pavilion where signposted by a very smartly designed
placard bearing the team’s name. The sign was subsequently stolen and now
emblazons the team’s scorebook folder. |
Ladies Because Dave Shorten and Ian Leggate never shut up about
Louth ladies on Tour in 2009, the term appears here. The duo even coined a
song about them too, but the details of that ballad remain solely unto them.
During the stay, the England Ladies cricket team played a match against a
Louth First XI as a part of the grand unveiling of the new modernised
pavilion. |
Lymington The original destination of
Tour 2015, a picturesque little town sat on the west bank of Lymington River
on the Solent. The MAD did visit the place for a quick pint before playing
their final match, but never actually stayed there due to another classic
Paddy Mellor reorg. |
Mac Whatever the fuck up,
whenever Mr Hoskins makes a mess of calculating the new standings in the
Fantasy Cricket, it’s the same old story… “It’s my new Mac….” Maybe buy a PC, dude? |
Madolymps The phrase given to the MAD Tour Olympics of Sidmouth
2010. The competition, devised by Tour organiser James Hoskins, was intended
as an off-field entertainment and companion to the cricket itself. Comprising
five varying events spread across several days (including MAD Top Trumps,
Fennel Flinging, Coin Tossing, Frisbeer and Spot The Mongoose), the
participants played for a prize new Mongoose bat. Inaugural winner Ian
Howarth presented the bat back to James as a thankyou from the team for
organising Tour. |
MAD Shortened team name for the Far from the MCC. The club
used to be based (and sponsored) at the Far from the Madding Crowd pub in the
centre of Oxford, hence “Mad or MAD” being short for “Madding”. Despite rebranding as the Far from the MCC in the fall of
2005, the club has retained that moniker. Some would say quite apt. |
Scoreboard After the Oxford County
Council came up trumps by fucking yet another game of cricket at Cutteslowe
Park due to an absence of anything (stumps, bails, keys to the pavilion etc),
club dogsbody Russ Turner decided on engineering the club’s own scoreboard. |
Magdalen Home pub and sponsor to the FFTMCC through seasons 2006
and 2007 (thanks to then landlord, Ben). It is based on the Iffley Road and
unsurprisingly has undergone an extensive makeover in our absence, to become
a much-respected gastro pub. |
College Sports Ground Lovely ground located adjacent to the minarets of the
mosque on Marston Road [Oxford Centre for Islamic Study], the FFTMCC have
been contesting matches against the St Clements Strollers for over a decade. |
Maidenhead The place Andrew Darley mistakenly thought he was in one
night whilst searching for his room key [Minehead 2017]. |
Maidstone The fictional Tour that The
MAD went on in 2017 as researched by Russ Turner. |
[London] In recent years, several players past and present have
attempted and completed the London Marathon for charity and their own
personal achievement. It is worth noting that 26.2 miles is far longer than
they would ever be prepared to chase after crap MAD bowling. |
Catchpole (pub) Listed on CAMRA’s National Inventory of classic pub
interiors, this Ipswich watering hole is ideal to walk to and from during a
biblical rainstorm. Good pool table and fine ales. |
House The name refers to a now defunct opposition who were
based at a now defunct Marlborough House pub off the Abingdon Road. The MAD
enjoyed regular (and very vocal) contests with the Marlborites over the
years, and it was noted with great sadness when they disbanded at the end of
2005. Honourable to the last, The MAD were quick to pillage their club
contacts and a couple of their best players. Life goes on as they say…. |
Marlingford The picturesque Norfolk village of Marlingford was last
visited by Team MAD in 2012 for an end of Tour flogging skippered by Paddy
Mellor. The cricket ground is best remembered for the Olympic bunting and
being, well… rather lovely. |
Harrier Another regular watering hole for Club MAD and a pub
which has provided hospitality after many a match at nearby grounds (Jesus
College, Cowley Marshes etc). It was also the venue for the Club’s ill-fated
Decadilly Day in 2007. The links to the pub are numerous, with the Marsh
Harrier also providing opposition back in the day – skippered by the late and
great Adrian J. Fisher in 2001. |
Genius There is only one true mathematical genius to represent
The MAD and that is Mr Jake Hotson. Professor Stephen Hawking couldn’t tie
his shoelaces, that said…. |
Day May morning in Oxford is
famous for the thousands who gather at 6am to hear a Latin hymn sung from the
top of Magdalen College tower. It is also famous for people jumping off the
river bridge to injure themselves on discarded shopping trolleys and of
course being slaughtered by midday on a breakfast of champagne and early
opening pub hours. |
Bunny Most FFTMCC batsman who faced the sprightly swing bowling
of Carl McKno (Appleton CC) could lay claim to being his ‘bunny’. These days they don’t, as Carl left the
parish under an exceedingly dark cloud. |
and Geoff Idiotic and right-wing meanderings from the pen of ‘Me’
which feature in Club Ramblings from time to time. |
Duck The third mascot ‘duck’ to join the fringes of The MAD.
No one is quite sure where Medi[um] Duck originated from, but he/she is
thought to have first appeared sometime whilst on Tour to f______ T______ in
2014. Again, this duck is also now thought lost. |
Ball A lightweight football of
excessive size, Mega Ball was booted around Minehead in 2017. It was last
seen in the hands of some small child at the end of the game…. |
Megaphone An excellent stage prop found
in the Brasenose pavilion by David Emerson. It was used for commentary during
a match against Iffley Village CC in 2018. |
& Kim No, not the British pop duo from the 80’s, but the
respective wives of Martin Westmoreland and Steve Dobner [Mel on the right in
the below photo]. They were prominent fixture in the mid-noughties as their
offspring attempted to understand what their dads were doing out on the
cricket field. |
Breakdown Sadly, a common affliction amongst team members over
the years. The FFTMCC would most probably benefit from including a shrink on
the club payroll. |
MG Every week back in the day, some lucky punter would get
to ride in James Hoskins’ sporty MG to a cricket match. Alas, this perk all
came to an end when his car spontaneously combusted after he parked the
exhaust too close to some flower beds at work. |
Midge Dave Shorten’s rambling hound
accompanied him to many a MAD match. She would soon disappear away from the
crappy cricket, instead looking for muntjacs and rabbits. A lovely animal and
true mascot, she sadly passed away in 2022. She will be missed. |
Ashley Russell
Turner’s other self (or one of them). His doppelganger came to prominence on
Tour to Minehead in 2017 and is now a sometime regular at end of season
AGM’s. |
Mincing On June 11, 2006 – the Milton CC wicketkeeper noted
club snob and part-time sociopath, Steve Parkinson, had a rather lar-dee-dar
run up when he bowled. He amusingly likened it to “mincing” [affectedly
dainty in manner or gait]. Thereafter, the nickname “Mincer” was subsequently
appropriated to Steve and his club apparel. |
Minehead The Far from the MCC toured the Minehead region of
Somerset for three consecutive years starting in 2003. They formed some close
bonds with certain teams which were reignited in 2017 and 2019. They will
return…. |
Mini James Hoskins has invested in many a car over the
years, helping to transport fellow team members to and from games. However,
one of his purchases, a Mini, was a wasted investment – the engine was shot
and storage space for kit bags at a premium. |
Moaning There is nothing better than
a good fucking moan and this club more than any other has embraced it over
the years. In recent years, levels of
moaning have increased to record levels, with performances on the field dipping
conversely. |
Scooter The vehicle of choice for
those Butlins residents suffering from the debilitating illness
iateallthepiesitis, causing an inability to travel any distance over 10
metres using their own feet. We don’t have a photo to hand, so here is some
prick on a stair lift…. |
Moo A common term in cricket for an agricultural smear of the
ball [leg-side slog] to the mid-wicket area of the cricket pitch. The MAD’s
master of the Moo, Martin Westmoreland subsequently copyrighted the stroke
and [almost] mastered it. |
Bats In 2011 at Oxenford CC, Martin Westmoreland revealed his
own brand of cricket bat – “The Moo Range”. These consisted of three imported
bats from India of unknown pedigree, each with its own very inimitable
sticker. |
Bat A seemingly revolutionary new bat which was conceived
with the introduction of T20 cricket [and subsequently forgotten about]. It
apparently gives an attacking advantage to the batsman, hitting faster,
harder and further. It resembles a paddle rather than a bat and doubles The
MAD fines of anyone using it. |
Mountaineering An outdoor activity that involves ascending, as was the
repetitive example of Tour to the Isle of Wight in 2022, when Mr Turner
repeatedly clambered up grass banks at Newport CC to retrieve the cricket
ball that was being pasted about the vast pitch by the home team batsmen. |
Mullett A really really shit hairstyle long at the back,
short everywhere else and beloved of the Aussies. See Bateman Jr for further details. |
Mumbles The MAD toured the South Wales area of Mumbles in 2008.
It never stopped raining. Well, it did relent on a few occasions – enough for
the team to lose a couple of games of cricket. However, it will be that
horrendous weather that sticks long in the memory…. |
Mural There
are many outstanding murals in the world being colourful, tasteful and
iconic. The mural at the Cowley Marshes was none of those. In fact, it wasn’t
even a mural as such, just shite metre high graffiti daubed on a wall by the
side of the cricket field. MAD players referred to it as a ‘mural’ out of
cynical affection, and thus it was until the council painted over it. |
Museum An
online page devoted to the exhibition and educational interpretation, of
objects which had some significance to the Far from the MCC. The webpage was
dissolved back in 2016 after it was merged with this far superior collection
of shit known as ‘The Glossary’. |
(Cider) Another cider, this time brewed in Bristol by Matthew
Clark. The Mad discovered its disembodying effects whilst on Tour in the
Minehead in 2003. It quickly became the staple diet for several players,
leading to a distinct loss of form and coherence. |
Lord) Nelson The
de facto capital of drinking for the beer lout / meat head in the Hythe &
Dibden area of Hampshire. Ramming with disco dollies at the weekend, the
establishment is well versed in a great punch up which inevitably spills out
onto the street. The MAD felt most at home there on the Tours of 2015 and
2016. |
Nineties A term to describe the
psychological pressure on a batsman knowing he is approaching a century. Ian
Howarth has fallen in the nineties a few times, but he’s too dumb to have
felt nervous. Dave Emerson also – but equally too dumb. So maybe it should be
the “Dumb Nineties?” |
Nest Nope, nothing to do with birds or trees, this term is
used to describe a MAD netting session (or net). An email informing the
players of an upcoming net back in 2005, was misspelled as “nest” – and
predictably has become the saying ever since. |
at This Level A divisive, twentieth season celebratory book released
in June of 2018. Written by several hands and now sold on Amazon for the
rough equivalent of two pints of beer in Oxford. It will be [in]famous for delighting
and pissing certain people off in equal measure and being far inferior to the
Club’s first book release. |
County Pads Another lot from the Kit Auction of the 2011 AGM, these
right-handed pads were won by James Pearson for the princely sum of £20. Not
much is known about them other than they probably came into being after the
club re-branded itself in 2005 to the FFTMCC. |
FC See “Mike Ashley” for further
details. Or any photo of Russ Turner circa 2017 (and most likely onwards). |
Zealand Club founder Ed Lester emigrated to New Zealand during
the fall of 2004 and is or was involved with Heathcote CC. The home of Lord
of the Rings was also the home of David (below) and Danial Emerson
(Invercargill). |
LBW (law) T20
matches versus Blewbury & Upton CC are contested without the LBW law
being taken into consideration. It has been a divisive ruling over the years
and indeed instigated much comment and disagreement. |
No-MAD When the team left the Far from the Madding Crowd in
2004, they essentially became nomadic after failing to secure a new home pub.
In essence, they were no longer “Madding”, but “No-Mad”. Therefore, for the
season of 2005, many of the match reports refer to the team as The No-Mad and
not The MAD. Simples. |
Norfolk Glorious
weather accompanied The MAD throughout their Tour of Norfolk in 2012. Regardless
of the cricketing results, many great memories were had by all those who made
the effort. |
Nostalgia As
knees, hips and backs become increasingly knackered, and performances slide
into the utterly forgettable, team members increasingly draw on nostalgia
[when they were useful]. |
at This Level” A quote made famous by ex-captain, Ed Lester, to describe
his shock and disgust at being awarded lbw in friendly games of
cricket (read Sunday cricket). Notwithstanding Ed standing adjacent to his
stumps (on appeal), he would take an age to walk back to the pavilion
bitterly complaining about the injustices in the world. The phrase would
subsequently be used as the title for The MAD’s first (and far superior)
published book in 2008. |
Fit for Purpose It perfectly describes any number of Far from the MCC
players on the Sunday morning before a match. Tour is worst, where a head
count is undertaken each day to find those who can play cricket. |
Nurdle An amusing reference to
describe a batsman nudging the ball around into gaps, usually for a quick
single or, erm… a non-run. Antony “Doc” Mander is/was a revered exponent of
this shot and helped bring the word into MAD lingo. |
Nutcase Every club has one. An enforcer – there to stand up for
the team in the heat of battle, or the heat of the car park. Mr Dobner used
to carry out any MAD off-field impropriety, with a preference for using his
forehead and/or wardrobe door to finalise matters. The modern variant is a
chilled, long distance runner. |
Obsessional Chairman Matt Bullock (left),
Ian Howarth (below) and Gary Timms are all obsessed with stats. In fact, the
club in general is obsessed with stats. |
2016, the FFTMCC played the OCCSCC in the final of the Friendly Cup. A team
of equally long abbreviated lettering, but with more C’s in their name (no
pun intended). They were actually a jolly good bunch, apart from the fact
they won, with a few ringers, one of which scored all their runs. Bastards. |
(OU) A shortened term referring to the Oxford University
Offices, whose cricket team competed against The MAD for many years and also
fielded an entrant to the Jack Cox Trophy year on year. The team has now
disbanded with many of the existing players now representing the FFTMCC. |
Ball The Oops Ball was attributed to Steve Hebbes, who used
the delivery to devastating effect during his brief tenure playing for The
MAD. A typical Oops Ball would bounce twice before reaching the batsman,
rarely getting off the ground (a “grass cutter” or “grubber” if you will) and
often striking the base of the stumps to a shout of “oops” from his teammates. |
Show Like
children at a Birthday party, an excitable MAD entourage gatecrashed the
BBC’s One Show being hosted on the Weston-Super-Mare seafront in 2013. With
an enthusiastic crowd, some fantastic weather paid homage to presenter Alex
Jones’ most fetching custard attire. But sod Alex (oo-err), here is a
photograph of the One Show bus instead…. |
Top Bus (Celebration) In
advance of the Friendly Cup Final against OCCSCC in 2016, Team MAD had
already discussed an inevitable victory and had tasked their Treasurer with
finding out the costs of hiring an open top bus to conduct a celebration.
Contemptible arrogance of the highest order. Of course, we fucking lost. The
plan is shelved going forward…. |
Hotel During their stay in Felixstowe in 2018, The MAD were
more than catered for by a Victorian hotel dating all the way back to 1898.
Happy to report is has been modernised in the intervening years. |
Up (Bob) For some reason, Mr Roberts always appears to be padded
up and waiting to bat. Even though he is the perennial number eleven. Shit
batting line up? Maybe. Lack of confidence in his fellow batsman? Maybe. But,
whilst he sits there with his pads, he somehow exudes a passive calm which
envelopes his team mates – reassuring them everything is okay. |
Paddle No, not an implement to spank someone on the buttocks –
and not to be confused with a paddle-scoop as popularised by Sri
Lankan Tillekartne
Dilshan in ODI cricket. No, the paddle was the staple diet of Steve
Dobner and laterally Russ Turner – where a swivel of the hip precedes a
wristy flick-type thing, which normally sees the ball dribble away for a
single (or two). Boring to watch, but unusually effective, this stroke can be
used against balls of any direction and / or any length [apparently]. |
Pandemic Starting out as some little cough outbreak being the
bamboo curtain, the coronavirus would become a global pandemic and force the
UK into lockdown for much of 2020. The result of which was a seriously
curtailed cricket season which didn’t get started until an evening slogfest
at Middleton Stoney on the evening of July 15. |
Gilkes Now into his dotage, the
rather lovely Roger Gilkes still occasionally keeps wicket for Appleton CC.
He is most assured at distracting you with his constant observations whilst
you bat and occasionally makes mention that his sons batter us to all parts. |
Lemming Now into his dotage, serial
fatherer, Tom Baker (not be confused with the dude with a Tardis) still
represents the Lemmings and is a keen admirer of his scores of children and
grandchildren that represent the team. …of course, good things never
last, and dear old Tom was a part of the Lemmings team who lost in 2018 to
The MAD. They were really happy about that. |
Pebbles A classic from the Ferring CC Tour match of 2021 (Day
3) was G. Carter attempting to secure six ‘concreted’ pebbles to take out and
umpire with. It took Geoff a little while to realise the hopelessness of this
task…. |
College Sports Ground Ahh, The MAD’s first spiritual home … Pembroke College
Sports Ground just off the Abingdon Road in Oxford. The ground will always be
remembered for being flanked by towering trees whispering in the wind, an
idyllic summer’s environment. It also housed a decrepit pavilion and a
groundsman (Kev) who hated sport and made Airfix models to pass the time. The
MAD played their last game at Pembroke in the fall of 2007. |
Stopped Play (Book) Another lot which was flogged during an auction at
the 2011 AGM, Harry Thompson’s “PSP” had somehow found its way to the bottom
of one of the club’s numerous kit bags. Still in relatively decent condition,
it was signed by all the team members present on the night and sold to Dave
Emerson for £15.50. It’s just a shame it wasn’t ever translated into
Māori. |
Pétanque A game of boules essentially, but we ain’t living in
France, are we? Team MAD enjoyed this game at the back of the Kildare Lodge
in Minehead in ‘24. Gary was the winniest and Lucan was the moaniest (and
most disappointing). |
Pizzas If you want a pizza then
there is only one place to go to get a pizza, and that is Phoenix Wood Fired
Pizzas. This culinary enterprise was the dreamchild of James and Polly
Hoskins and is also responsible for the former not arriving on Tour 2018 on
time. A link to their website can be found on the home page of this equally
brilliant website. ( Link to Main Page ... Scroll Down ) |
Pickled Or
… otherwise known as pissed. It’s what Sunday pub cricket team aspires to.
Nothing more to add really…. |
Pie Not
to be confused with the mathematical symbol “Pi”. In cricket, it is the hors
d’oeuvres of the “pie chucker” … the ubiquitous lobber of a cricket ball (pie
or flan or some other delicate pastry). |
Chucker The beloved term given to the slow bowling department of
The MAD. Nobody is quite sure where the term was initially realised, but it’s
very common to hear it in village circles up and down the country. A pie
chucker should not be confused with somebody who spins the ball (a spinner),
as often the guiles and ways of a pie chucker depend more on shit batting
than anything else. |
Denial Aah, some ‘spinners’ or ‘slow
bowlers’ are incandescent when they labelled a ‘pie chucker’. This form of
cricketing ignorance is known as “pie denial”. In their own mind they are
match winning ripper of the ball, but in reality…. |
of Shit [a JMO car] A
simple use of three words to describe the car James Hoskins acquired off his
mother many years ago. It was intended as a temporary solution to his
transportation problems to matches following a yearlong globetrotting
sabbatical but ended up as a less than dignified long-term option. |
Pikey’s A pejorative slang
term used in England and Ireland, used originally to refer to Irish
travellers. However, on Tour in 2005, The MAD hijacked the term to label
players Jake Hotson, Thornton Smith and Mike Clarke. It referred to their
dishevelled appearance after several days on the piss and the acute need of a
bath and new wardrobe. |
Ball First seen during a T20
versus Wroxeter Grove CC on Tour in 2014. So, impressed by its visibility in
poor light, The MAD have subsequently invested heavily in them. |
___ Hat The recipient of the pink ___ hat was someone who
dropped a catch whilst on the Tour to Eastbourne in 2007. The item is now
thought sadly lost…. |
Tape Mr
Reeves championed some (pink) support tape for his fuckered knee in 2016.
Allegedly providing stability for muscles, joints and tendons, the makers
simply prey on those gullible enough to believe it actually does any good. |
Visor Synonymous for being worn by Paddy Mellor, his sparkling
pink visor was in stark contrast to his batting…. |
Golf A feature of nearly every MAD Tour is a crazy golf
course. In recent times the emphasis has been placed on finding a Pirate
Golf course. Intricate and cleverly designed, these pirate golf courses
are the connoisseur’s choice when balancing a day on the piss with some
low-key competition. |
Asleep As
the alcohol slowly courses around the body, the incumbent slowly drifts into
the world of the subconscious. Watching Geoff Carter bat causes a similar
effect. |
Pisshead Not many of The MAD squad members are exempt from being
labelled a pisshead, but back in 2009, new recruit David Emerson raised the
bar to a whole new level by collapsing pissed and asleep whilst playing away
against Cholsey CC. |
(Urination) A
common site at most FFTMCC matches is that of a group of males in cricket
whites, stood with their backs towards you, hands hidden from view, as they
water the nearby bushes. |
Frenzy On
the long walk up to Stogumber’s ground in 2017, following a two-hour drinking
marathon on a steam train, the touring party took it turns to water the
surroundings. |
Piss-up According
to the urban
Dictionary, a piss-up is basically
a social gathering or full-blown party organised intentionally to get drunk.
A piss-up could therefore be used
to describe any Far from the MCC annual general meeting and / or Tour. It could also be
used to describe a typically abject MAD batting display (an increasingly
common occurrence as the team gets older). |
Stop Whenever
it becomes just too much, and you have to leave the field. Darned that
pre-match pint…. |
Kit During
one of the lockdowns of the coronavirus pandemic, James Hoskins offered up a
(Phoenix) pizza kit to the winner of one of the four competitions he ran for
each of the test matches between India and England. |
Crash Whenever,
and wherever, the Far from the MCC play, they liberally distribute their
kitbags and loads of other assorted shit to all parts of the ground. It is a
scene very reminiscent of a plane crash, albeit without the acrid smell of
jet engine oil, however some would say the smell of their kitbags is worse…. |
Chair Another
gem from the Ferring CC Tour match of 2021 was Russ Turner sitting himself on
already fractured plastic chair. The result was of course everyone in pieces
… along with the said chair…. |
(Duck) An exclusive club for MAD batters dismissed to the first
ball of the innings. Currently, there are six such individuals up to and
including 2024. |
Speed Sensor Ball This garish cricketing oddity made its debut back in
2006, after Mr J. D. Hoskins became obsessed with finding out how quick
members of the team were bowling and how hard they were hitting the ball. It
was definitely an intriguing item, but when Jake Hotson was clocked bowling
sharper than Waqar Younis, it was soon relegated to the depths of the kit bag
never to be taken seriously again. |
Plinth Due to a rash of outbursts from teammates containing the
“C” word, former skipper Mr J. D. Hoskins, demanded the word replaced by
“plinth” instead. The silly old plinth has now extended this request
when in the confines of his house. |
Inn (Appleton) Regular haunt of the FFTMCC
before and after matches in Appleton. The Plough has a decent smattering of
ales and ciders, good food and extensive gardens back and front. It also has
table lamps which you can drag and smash onto the floor if you’re called James
Hoskins. |
Plumb When a batsman is clearly and
unequivocally LBW, he is said to be plumb LBW. Before club founder Ed
Lester left The MAD for pastures new, he would regularly give demonstrations
of the plumb LBW decision. Shuffling awkwardly in his crease and
missing a ball of good length ball on middle stump – Eddie was routinely plumb
LBW. Even if it was “at this level” (standard). |
Poet Andrew Morley was the club’s incumbent (and award
winning) poet back in the day. He was equally proficient at consuming strong
levels of alcoholic lager and writing excellent verse about it. A true
multitasking maverick in every sense. |
Match Sadly missed by those who were lucky enough to know him
back in the day, Andrew Morley was most definitely
unique. In 2008 he detailed a match against R. T. Harris in his own
inimitable and brilliant way. (
Link to Match Report / Poem ) |
Poker The club have always embraced a bit of poker on the
side, quite literally in 2018 when James Hoskins celebrated his stag-do on
the side of Horspath CC pitch. It was a drunken (poker) game that went on all
afternoon. |
Helmet A symbolic item from The MAD’s 2005 Tour of Minehead. The
actual investor of the helmet is unknown, but it was famously sported by Jake
Hotson when skippering against Stogumber CC – quoting “I’m the authority
around here.” |
Hats They
couldn’t find any policeman’s helmets in Weston-Super-Mare, so Thornton Smith
and Mark Rundle invested in Juliet Bravo-esque hats for their non-playing
roles (managing whilst pissed) against WSMCC. |
(Senior) Team mascot and occasional captain of the Wootton &
Bladon cricket team. The MAD have enjoyed a love hate relationship with Steve
Poole since their inaugural bust up in 2003. Now older, Steve is generally to
be found sat about the boundary concentrating his energies on the afternoon
teas. |
System A much-maligned invention first debuting in 2005 by Tour
Skipper Jake Hotson. It involved the MAD batting order being split into
certain ‘pools’ of similar themed batsman, where one would replace another on
dismissal akin to him or herself (i.e an aggressive batsman would replace an
aggressive batsman and vice versa with a more cautious batsman). |
CC Home to every touring team who visit the Isle of Wight,
and also, oddly home to Porchfield CC. The MAD contested a Tri-Team Tourney
in 2022, where it was so hot on the day that Darley scored some runs and
Geoff ran Howarth out. A most hospitable and generous little cricket club. |
Porlock A coastal village in Somerset with fuck all to do, but
has a cricket pitch where everyone plays in shorts and smashes the bowling of
drunk cricket teams onto nearby Bossington Beach. Also, a great location to
catch Covid (eh, Bob?) |
Porsche Ever since Matt Bullock got himself a red TVR to boast
the quickest car in the team, James Hoskins [a former MG owner] became green
with envy. The affliction eventually affected his psyche to such an extent
that he sold his entire life savings and plumped for a Porsche Boxster in
2009 which he subsequently sold due to being asked if he was a
“hairdresser”…. |
CC A talented and fun-loving
touring team from the borough of Fareham, Hampshire. The FFTMCC first locked
horns with them in 2010, where a successful Tour to Oxford paved the way for
a couple more – and a reciprocated visit by The MAD in 2011. The scoreline is currently
4-0 to Portsmouth…. |
Builder Dave Shorten is a builder by
trade and lives on Boars Hill. By the very nature of living in those aloof
surrounds you are considered posh. Do the math. He’s now (mostly) retired, so
it can now be as considered as posh retirement. |
Full English After
being booked into the poshest hotel on the Minehead seafront in 2017, the
team were treated to the poshest breakfast they’d ever experienced on a Tour.
Due do hangovers and those unable to rise, it would also be the poshest
breakfast ever to go untouched in some cases. |
Mental Attitude (PMA) With most of The MAD players radiating cynicism and
downbeat assumptions about an upcoming match, PMA is an attribute that can be
rarely levelled at the team. It was first championed by James Hoskins during
his stint of captaincy from 2003 to 2005 and endures to this day. |
Stupid Fucking T-shirt Most club members have worn
positively stupid fucking T-shirts over the years. Hotson, Smith, Howarth,
Hoskins, Dobner, Hebbes, Emerson etc etc etc. Hardly anyone is exempt. There
are countless millions of examples, some more stupid than others, but the below
example really is fucking shit. |
Prang Steve Dobner’s wife liked
nothing better than smashing her fella’s cars up on the way to cricket back
in the day. Kim was equally adroit smashing them away from cricket too…. |
Inn Synonymous with the Tour of
Brighton in 2021. Lenny’s gaudy hotel housed the team during their
three-night stay. |
magnums of cava came to the fore on Tour to Pylewell Park in 2016 (see
“Blackout Juice” for further details). After James Hoskins made discovery of
a stock of them in the thatched pavilion, his copious intake was then copied
by his teammates. Of the thirty or so bottles on sale, none remained after
the tourists left. |
Guide Back in the fall of 2011,
Club Chairman Matt Bullock published a dossier on Oxford pubs to critical
pisshead acclaim. This leap into the world of literature is of course utterly
befitting of a man who regularly writes for CAMRA Oxford. |
(of a pitch) The
MAD have ridiculously agreed to play on many puddings over the years, but all
that came to an end in 2013 against Wootton & Bladon CC. During a
rainstorm, a T20 was completed in the mud whilst kit bags and accessories
were washed away due to a lack of shelter from the elements. |
Puppy Joe Puppy, a rabid black hound that belonged to Dan
Edwards. This puppy, although pretty much always a fully grown dog, was often
seen running uncontrolled across cricket grounds stealing everything in
sight. He sadly passed away in 2014. RIP our furry friend. |
Park Located in Lymington,
Hampshire, adjacent to the New Forest, this enchanting park land is home to a
grand manor house and local cricket team – Pylewell Park CC – who the FFTMCC
guested against whilst on Tour in 2015 and 2016. A trip in 2022 failed to materialise
as the home team sadly cited a lack of players…. |
(Batting) Everyone loves a great
display of twatting the ball and usually The MAD are on the receiving end. So
how nice to remember the innings of 47 from 26 balls by our very own David
Emerson. Opening up against Islip CC in 2015, David’s wonderful clean hitting
propelled the FFTMCC to 54-0 after just 7 overs. Great stuff. |
Pyscho Legendary misspelling of an
OUO shirt back in the day as worn by Mr Rundle. Sadly, the top was returned
to printer and therefore a doctored photo is used in this example from 2010. |