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MAD Glossary “G – K”
(Updated to end of Season
Comic book? Graphic novel? Back of a graffiti-daubed toilet door? The
Glossary is an idea dating back to 2006 which was sewn by Mike Reeves, who having
recently joined the club from a shit pub team worse than our own, declared he
hadn’t got a clue what everyone else was on about. His reasoning was that
since the club was established some eight years previous, many of the terms,
references and lingo were alien to the unacquainted. Fast forward to the future and after an annually exhaustive MOT, the
Far from the MCC’s allegedly most
popular web page comes back online. A huge amount of thanks to all
contributors, however small, for the gems and inspiration which have gone
into creating this encyclopaedic breakdown of MAD folklore. |
CC Located atop a hill near Wheatley with patchwork fields
tumbling into the distance, Garsington CC hosted the FFTMCC between the
seasons of 2011 and 2015. The two teams contested several very entertaining
midweek T20s until the home team sadly suffered the modern curse of poor
enthusiasm and a lack of players. |
it!” A common saying at the Fines Committee just before
closing a player’s appropriated fines – and therefore saving him / her any
further fiscal misery. A wooden gavel or bat mallet is then sounded on the
[pub] table to signal this. |
George Another George, this time
unrelated to the other George [Carter] who doesn’t really exist. “George”
appeared on Tour in Hampshire in 2015 – guesting in two matches for The MAD,
one whilst under the influence at Hythe & Dibden CC, and the other with a
hangover at Trojans CC the following day. |
All] Geoff’s Fault We’re not exactly sure of the when, but since whenever
Geoff was blamed for something going wrong for the FFTMCC, it has thus
remained a mantra ever since. He need not even be involved, be in the
vicinity, or even be aware of the whatever it is… but it always is “Geoff’s
fault.” |
First Aid Kit A classic first aid kit, as
supplied by Mr Hebbes to satisfy the needs of the club. The kit was only
called upon once – for Jake Hotson’s infamous kettle injury in 2004. Not only
did the kit fail to contain anything useful for said emergency, but no-one
knew what anything was used for, because all the documentation was in, er…
German. Thanks, Nick … a truly stellar investment. |
Duck Back in 2012, Giant Duck was plucked from a charity shop
in Truro, Cornwall, by his adopted father Ian Howarth. Aside from becoming
the bona fide team mascot, he spends most of his time staring at other
drivers on the A34 as Ian zips to and from work each week. |
Gilbert Rarely seen schizophrenic
brother of one Geoff C. Carter. He can also play cricket,
but turns his hand to occasional off spin. |
Mask A relatively new innovation in cricket, the Club invested
in a Wicketkeeper Face Protector in an attempt to eliminate the chances of
death to Mr J. C. W. Hotson whenever he deputises behind the stumps. Thought
to allow a greater field of vision than a regular cricket helmet, the item
has thus far proved to be successful. |
Cock A Minehead CC tradition is to have a member of a
visiting touring team consume a whole glass cock of cider [in one]. The cock
and attached ball sack contain approximately three whole pints, so it’s a
tough fucking ask. Unless you’re Mike Ashley that is. |
Glastonbury Now unburdened by the pressures of captaincy (unless
Spam can’t be arsed with T20s), Gary now gets the chance to embrace his hippy
side by travelling to Glastonbury every year, to then return with tales of
awesome bands no-one has ever heard of and who would most likely get bottled
off stage at the local pub, but cos it’s Glasto Maaaaaaaan… they are the next big thing, trust me. |
Gold A form of currency. Also, the song du jour in Tour 2016
for Mr Timms to serenade the assorted pond life at Balti Towers (Hythe &
Dibden) before they head up to their (our?) rooms. |
Duck Securing yourself a golden
duck is a time-honoured tradition for all MAD batsmen. One innings, one ball,
no runs, goodnight, Vienna. No fucking about. |
Ball (Tiger Woods) Rumour has it
that while The MAD touring party were destroying the undergrowth at the pitch
and putt in f______ T______, Tiger Woods was also there trying to regain some
form. This must explain how a golf ball sailed over Jake Hotson’s head as members
of the team walked through the adjacent car park, heading back to the Holiday
Inn. Well, it definitely wasn't thrown by someone who had nicked it from the
aforementioned course earlier. Certainly not. Oh, no no
no.... |
Challenge Cup (v Isis CC) The competition debuted in 2020 during the pandemic,
with cricketing neighbours Isis CC running out the winners at the Waterstock
Gold Course (just off the M40). It is hoped the golfing soiree continues
annually for many years to come. |
Disaster (Rain) Nobody who went on Tour to Mumbles in 2008 will ever
forget the game of golf to occupy a day. Beginning in the drizzle which later
became rain and then a monsoon, one remembers James Hoskins completing the
course in an umpire’s coat in a failed attempt at keeping dry. ( Link to
Inspector's Report ) |
Bog Seat Ian Leggate’s legendary “bog seat” made its debut with
the Day 1 Skipper during the Tour of Southsea in 2011. Hanging around
his neck much like rap star Flavor Flav did with a large clock in the 90s –
Gonzo strutted his stuff around Hayling Island and even avoided getting his
head kicked in by the local Portsmouth football fans. Amazingly, the seat
managed to make it back to Oxford in one piece, where for the punitive cost
of 50p you could take a shit through it at Gonzo’s house. |
for you.” During one lunch time on Tour to Norfolk in 2012, Dan
Edwards expressed his desire to stand-in skipper for the day, Mike Reeves, to
open the batting. “Good for you” replied Mike. Dan assumed this meant he was a shoe-in at #1 or #2. Fast forward to the start of the
game and a fully padded up Dan was duly informed he would be batting at
number eight. Subsequently, Dan left the club and Mike has never skippered
again. The term is now employed to shatter hopes, thwart
ambition and generally not give a fuck about another’s request or opinion. |
Grassy Knoll Situated opposite the
clubhouse at Hythe & Dibden CC is a grassy knoll. It is a perfect vantage
point to watch a game, and also to slump and fall asleep after a day on the
piss (the connoisseur’s choice for George n’ Lennie). |
Gray Nicholls Kit Bag Home to the club’s stinking and decrepit kit for a period
of time that nobody can quite remember, this particular lot was
flogged at the 2011 AGM’s Kit Auction to Club Chairman, Matt Bullock for
£22.00. It is presumed he was quite pissed at the time – or certainly was
when he woke up in the morning to find it in his house. |
Milton Home to the Raymond Blanc’s famous Le Manoir restaurant
and also to a curious little cricket pitch based on a recreational ground.
The MAD visited firstly in 2023 where a pyrotechnic 25 over game produced
over 400 runs. A very decent pub (The Bull) is but a 5 mins walk up the road. |
Yarmouth Views expressed by MAD players whilst on Tour in 2012
would suggest there is little “great” about Great Yarmouth. It reminded us all of Didcot-on-Sea – a fictional and distinctly
believable shit-hole by the sea somewhere in our imagination. God help us
all…. |
Helmet For many years the players of the Far from the MCC
bemoaned the absence of a team helmet, particularly when playing cricket on
shit tracks such as Cowley Marshes. It was not that they didn’t possess a
helmet, it’s just that nobody quite knew where it had gone. They
remembered it as being green and they remembered Antony Mann had last used it
– something he strenuously denied. Fast forward to the dying embers of 2008
and whilst clearing his house for a move back down under, Ant would rediscover
said item nestling amongst other assorted crap in his attic. So, he did have
it, and he had it all the time – the lying bastard. It was eventually
sold at an AGM auction (see below) and now belongs to Mr Smith (subsequently
lost). |
Green ink Following Mr R. P. Turner’s
selfless act of producing a batch of laminated 2014 Fixture Cards for the
club, he received little in the way of praise, but plenty in the way of
criticism for going to press after the first six games. During that spell, The MAD
failed to win a match, thus the result section was all coloured in red
[lost]. His teammates subsequently bitched on and on
whilst fining Russ for having no green [won] ink
at his printing press. |
in the Bag” Who
can forget Andrew Darley’s quip whilst on Tour to Suffolk in 2018? It was a
reference to the remaining MAD batting order containing several decent
hitters of the ball who could fire the team to victory [it should be noted of
course that this seldom comes to pass]. |
Haircut Most
people get their hair cut at a barbers or hairdressers, but in James Hoskins,
The MAD have their own match day, maverick stylist of the barnet (often
frequented by Jake Hotson – see below). |
Dog Minehead’s
premier sports bar and de facto rendezvous point for anyone looking for a
good fist fight in the evening. The Hairy Dog has it all – cheap booze, cheap
burgers, cheap women and a nice run on the locals who will rearrange your
front teeth. It catered for The MAD in 2017. |
Moon One of the smaller pubs in Oxford City Centre, the Half
Moon is and was the de facto pub of choice for Ian Leggate if he ever needed
to drink beyond 11pm [lock in]. Closed during the pandemic, it finally
reopened in 2023. |
Tears A common
ailment among the very fit sport sportspeople on the planet, and an
especially common ailment for the unfit amateurs who exercise in the pub
before a match. |
at The Parks Back in the day,
in fact … all the way back to the year the club was born in 1998, Hampshire
CC guested at The Parks (below) in Oxford – an annual pre-season tradition
for a county side (versus Oxford University CC). After the conclusion of the
match, the team then went on the beers in Jericho and found themselves in The
Jude. As legend has it, that's when a pissed Robin A. Smith agreed to be our
Patron. |
Hangover A common ailment which hampers nearly every Far from the
MCC performance. |
Harry Step grandson to Ian Howarth,
little Harry used to attend the odd MAD game now and again andwais blamed every time for Spam’s subsequent shambles
on the field. |
Cider A local tipple to be quaffed on the West Somerset
Railway. It can be sourced in the buffet wagon and gets you adroitly to that
happy place in life called “pissed” [in no small time]. |
Lore Hat Lore originated many seasons ago when people started Bowling
With a Hat or Bowling Without a Hat. There was also a team who
made their worst player of the previous week wear a (pink) hat on that
day (which the MAD would parody on Tour in 2007). Hats have always been an integral topic of MAD
conversation ever since – that’s just how fucking interesting a bunch we
are…. |
Thief The “Hat Thief” is still shrouded in mystery. It dates
back to 2004 when several players reported having their hats stolen (and
pretty much throughout the season of 2005). The culprit remains anonymous to
this day, although suspicions as to whom he or she was (or is) are still
rife…. |
Hawaii After complaining about his
knees and a chronic lack of cricket in 2018, Mike Reeves booked a three-week
holiday to Hawaii during the hottest June on record. In the image below, we find Mike
on the left, a northern drunk and some dude with a Hawaiian shirt on the
right. |
Shirt On the epochal Tour of Southsea in 2011, Ian ‘Gonzo’
Leggate became synonymous as much for his ruinous and button lacking Hawaiian
shirts as he did for his ‘bog seat’ medallion. |
Island Hosts
and opposition to a Touring MAD in 2011, it is an island off the south coast
of England, in the borough of Havant in the county of Hampshire, east of
Portsmouth. The contest provided a brilliant and yet doomed run-chase as the
FFTMCC lost out by just 4 runs. |
acronym for ‘Hythe & Dibden Friday’. The first day proper of MAD Tours to
Hampshire where the team get to spend an entire day on the piss before
contesting a 25 over match in the evening against the local cricket team.
It’s a total assault of the senses and several MAD troops have been gone MIA
(missing in action). |
Injury [Leaflet] After
the Bob and Rundle amateur dramatics exhibitions held respectively in
Hailsham and Oxfordshire in 2021-22, Club Printer and dogsbody R. P. Turner
commissioned a very handy MAD leaflet should such an incident happen again.
Obviously, it has been stowed in the scorebox folder ever since and obviously
everyone has forgotten it exists. So…. |
Attack Regards
the theatre played out at Stanton St John in 2022, where amateur actor M. S.
Rundle was first seen to play a crap sweep shot onto his head, then stumble
over a few kit bags on the boundary before lapsing into cardiac arrest.
Subsequently, it is now suggested we have several team members who have first
aid certificates. If there aren’t any, then you all need to have a mobile in
which you are expected to able to dial “999”. Failing that, you need the
opposition to have someone who can perform CPR [tick the last box then]. |
Height The
Far from the MCC are obsessed with height. Among their playing staff – who is
the tallest? Who is the shortest? Does it really fucking
matter? Apparently so…. On
Tour in Norfolk in 2012, the Tourists arranged a team photo in Saxlingham
Nethergate to rule on the issue. Strangely some guy labelled “Tall Bob” was
tallest and some short little runt on the end was…. |
CC Heligoland
is a small archipelago in the North Sea. Formerly Danish, the UK nicked it in
the 19th century before the Germans decided to have a bit. It is also home to
a lovely Touring team who visited in 2024 for a Tri-team tournament hosted
and involving Appleton CC. |
the Wounded Without
any proper net sessions, and little in the way of training or practice ahead
of the 2020 cricket season, a pandemic riddled calendar was blighted by
injuries. |
yourself” A
term mumbled among cynical team mates to the opposition batsmen whenever Mr
R. P. Turner is brought onto bowl. |
Gin A
Scottish gin produced by William Grant & Sons that became the shot of
choice for Touring team Hendrick’s XI. The FFTMCC hosted the affable Warwick
University graduates in 2016 and 2017. |
(Tim) Successful
British tennis player who never won Wimbledon. Tim Henman lives adjacent to
the South Oxford, Astons CC ground – regular opponent of the Far from the
MCC. Team members always boast about smacking a straight six into his back
garden [etc]. |
Hernia In 2011, Ian Howarth suffered a much-lauded inguinal
hernia which was credited for his resurgence in batting form. It was agreed
that the ‘Hernia’ had scored the gamut of runs (including his ton on Tour)
and that Ian was simply shit. There were no dissenters to this conclusion. |
Kit Ian Howarth’s hernia problems in 2011 caused ripples of
amusement for his teammates throughout that season. Despite Ian’s obvious discomfort
and concerns regarding his own welfare, his dad saw a solution to the problem
by spending some of his retirement putting together this excellent DIY kit
for Christmas. Who says parents don’t love their sons? |
the Game Occasionally a player in The MAD ranks has one of those
days where he is involved in everything. Runs, wickets, catches… you name it,
he / she is involved in it, and are levied at the Fines Committee for
‘hogging the game’. In 2007, a trophy would be introduced at the AGM to
celebrate a player scooping all 3 x MAD match awards: MOTM, Champagne and
Buffet. Mr. Reeves was the inaugural winner of the trophy, but in recent
years the trophy has disappeared…. |
Hoick A common saying to describe an agricultural heave across
the stumps. See “ |
Inn Bombed out of their intended
lodgings whilst on Tour to f______ T______ in 2014 (due to a flower
festival), The MAD were forced into desperate measures… staying en masse at a
Holiday Inn. You heard that right. |
Holland Back in 2005, the Far from
the MCC hosted a match in Cholsey against Dutch tourists – Rood en Wit XI. |
Honey Nope, that a term of endearment passed to one’s missus,
but a seemingly never-ending story concerning Dave Shorten’s fixation with
the stuff (honey), and his loss (a tub) thereof on Tour in The Mumbles in
2008. Mummy Shorten apparently owns some bees and makes it. And jolly nice it
is too. |
Hoodies Club ‘hoodies’ came into being before the start of the
2011 season. Popular and fashionable with the team, these items came in any
colour as long as you like ‘blue’. Subsequent hoodies have come and gone
along with the merchandising shops. |
Hoskins is a Legend Hoskins “is” a MAD legend,
but we didn’t know it was common knowledge. Here we have a quite remarkable
random photo taken on Tour to Ipswich in 2023 as a car drove past…. |
Hundreds There have now been fourteen
instances of MAD batters scoring hundreds for The MAD, and two instances of
some clown getting out on 99. Gary Littlechild (117*) held the high score
stretching all the way back to 2006 until he didn’t. |
Hungerford A historic town in Berkshire,
famous for James Hoskins living there for a period and also for some crackpot
going on a shooting spree in 1987. It is also where Corne Vermaak chose to
bike to after James gave him his postcode for Harwell CC. ( Link to
2018 AGM and Award ) |
Hythe (and Dibden) Located in Hampshire, close
to the shore of Southampton Water, the local cricket team hosted the FFTMCC
in the summers of 2015 and 2016 in 25 over matches. Not that Howarth or
Roberts would likely remember…. |
Ice Cream [multiple thereof] On Tour in 2022, Mr Rundle
was forever clasping ice-creams to while away the boredom of Touring and not
actually playing. There’s certainly no harm in the idea [Touring without
playing that is], but you can only imagine how bad is guts were…? |
Ice Cream Van On Tour in 2004, a ridiculous
idea was conceived to buy an ice cream van and use it for team
transportation. The thinking was it could double as both a mobile scoreboard
(after painting one side black) and provide excellent storage space for
cooling the copious amounts of alcohol the team would consume. Naturally,
this plan never came to fruition, but copious amounts of Natch cider were
drunk whilst devising the plan. |
Bite Poor Matt Bullock suffered a
horrendous insect bite whilst on Tour to Minehead in 2017. Thought to be of
tsetse fly origins, the bite soon blistered to epic proportions before
amputation became his only viable option. |
Insipid One
of the worst innings in MAD history was orchestrated by Geoff Carter at
Cholsey in 2017. His accumulation of 3 off 47 balls somehow provided the rock
for victory in a Friendly Cup match, although we struggle to recall him
actually hitting anything…. |
Gadget A name which was attributed to OU Office player Chris
Heron. Back in season 2005, he miraculously caught MAD batsman Martin
Westmoreland following a gravity defying leap, somehow plucking the ball
one-handed from the heavens, before crashing back to Mother Earth. |
CC After a surreal amount of time avoiding each other in
the Friendly Cup, The MAD finally agreed on visiting the mysterious
opposition during the pandemic affected season of 2020. A beautiful ground
atop a hill with views rolling into the distance, Ipsden cantered to victory
due to the FFTMCC being utterly shit. The fixture looks a good one to reverse
year on year. |
Waterfront A culturally and significant upmarket harbour dating
back to 1842. It specialises in high-rise condos, pubs and yachts and is
frequented by hungover cricketers…. Photo below from the Tour of 2023. |
CC The neighbours! What more can you say. The history
between the two clubs is layered and intertwined, with the first cricketing
encounter traced back to the May of 1999 at Cutteslowe Park. A decade later the two clubs became neighbours off the
banks of the Thames, plying their cricketing talents at Queens and Brasenose
College respectively. The rivalry is very much alive today and the two clubs
contest a Golf Tournament at the fall of each year. ( Link to
Match Report of 1999 ) |
CC Opponents Islip first hosted The MAD back in 2014,
where on a dog of a pitch the FFTMCC batted like twats and Islip didn’t. The
actual village is located in Cherwell by the River Ray and floods most
winters. Much like The MAD’s home of Brasenose then…. |
all about you.” Another classic phrase stolen from gardener Dan Edwards
and subsequently embraced by the team. It evolved out of Dan’s regular
pep-talks to fellow batsmen awaiting a bat. Now everything is all about
everyone and it’s all about us. |
Cordon An amusing reference to finding James Hoskins and James
Pearson forming a cordon in the Gully area of the field one day. It is a very
near pronunciation of TV writer and producer extraordinaire, James Corden.
For a short time between 2021-22 the cordon was swollen by the presence of
James Bateman. |
Pearson (Pads) Endlessly smug, Mr Pearson
likes to blame his pads every time he his caught. |
Pearson (Bat) Of course, it hasn’t always
been the fault of his pads, a few years ago his ineptitude was the fault of
his bat. |
JRICU 14pts in scrabble, before you land on a triple word
square... it is also the place designed by our Chairman and frequented by two
of the MAD’s finest [cough] in May of 2022... Howarth, but only visiting and
Rundle, Bed Blocking for 2 Days after the twat decided to try a bit of
dying.... |
(Tavern) Residing near the Oxford
Canal, Jericho has proven a regular haunt for many a MAD player past and
present. It boasts an excellent selection of pubs (including the Jude the
Obscure) and of course one entitled the Jericho Tavern … which of course
agreed to host the highly successful 2021 AGM. |
Hill Home cricket ground to the
Oxford University Press (or OUP), The MAD have been playing there since the
turn of the millennium. |
the Obscure Original home to the Far from the MCC in Jericho (then
playing under the name of the pub). The landlord Noel P. Reilly was
instrumental in financing and forming the cricket team back in 1998. The MAD stayed under his sponsorship until 2002, whereby
they upped sticks and followed him to his next public house venture – the
“Far from the Madding Crowd” in central Oxford (now sadly closed as a pub and
reopened as a Caribbean restaurant). As a footnote: The Jude was recently given a makeover
in 2022 and looks all the jolly nicer for it. It doubles as a Sports Bar with
a nice side line on grub and real ales for getting pissed. |
the Obscure 2 It transpires that Headington Quarry CC have more in
common with The MAD’s old stomping ground. Their opening batsman (Tim Bailey)
was |
Box (Tour) The Tour juke box from the 2003
/ 2004 MAD cricket Tours to Minehead. It was an investment aimed squarely at
bringing to fruition, Nick Hebbes’ wonderful idea of serenading players going
out to bat to their own theme tune. An excellent idea in theory, but nobody
seems to remember any of these theme tunes ever being played – if indeed
these they were even burnt on CD. It did find a use however, enabling Tour
members to listen to proper cricket matches on 5 Live whilst on the
piss. |
(Cider) A Somerset cider brewed by Thatchers, which became
notorious after sparking a club brawl in the Far from the Madding Crowd pub
in the fall of 2003. The shameful occurrence also ruined a book launch by
team novelist, Antony G. Mann. The culprits will remain anonymous; however,
Steve Dobner, Ian Howarth and Thornton Smith were all involved. There are no
incriminating photos, so here is one of the lads getting pissed from around
that time. |
Kettle Quips are often made at cricket teas regarding avoiding
scolding oneself when near a kettle. This joke refers back to the Tour of
2004 (Minehead), when Jake Hotson ended up in casualty after badly scolding
himself. In his infinite wisdom, he figured on making a cuppa whilst totally
inebriated at silly o’clock in the morning. In
recent Tours to Minehead we’re happy to relate that Jake hasn’t burnt himself
or ended up in casualty. |
Kev No, not the type of individual who goes around and the
town centre in a souped-up car pumping trashy techno beats out his windows
[whilst perving at any girl over the age of 12]. Instead, the name refers to
the formative Groundsman at Pembroke College Sports Ground, who lovingly
[sic] prepared teas and pitches for The MAD and was no slouch when it came to
constructing Airfix models. |
CC (Stratfield Brake) When
the bursar of Pembroke College decreed the Far from the MCC could no longer
make use of their ground in 2008, Kidlington CC were generous enough to allow
The MAD to make use of one of their pitches at Stratfield Brake. Soulless and
out of the city centre, The MAD only played there for the one season (thank
god). As another footnote:
the area is under a planning application for a new Oxford United FC stadium
(2023). |
Bag (Team) For
years club members have argued about the team kit bag. Who should look after
it? What contents should be in it? Do we even fucking need one? In fact, at
one stage, the team kit was split between two bags… and then, inexplicably, a
third…. Thankfully,
rationality returned in 2011 and the majority of the contents were sold off
to individual members of the team. Now there is just one kit bag again. |
Arms Centrally
located watering hole in Oxford City Centre, which formed the backdrop to
pre-game drinks for a Battisford Touring XI played out at Mansfield Road in
2017. |
Kitten On
Tour in Norfolk in 2012, members of the team out on the piss discovered a
lost kitten trying to make home in a pub. It was refused accommodation due to
setting alarms off, so would have to have fended for itself on a main road
surrounded by lager louts and feral dogs. We
couldn’t have that, so rescued and re-homed him. Sadly, Billy as he became
known, passed away in 2015…. |
Bat (Dan Edwards) Back in the day, before Dan Edwards fled the sinking ship
which was the Marlborough House, he used to go around bashing Oxford bowling
attacks with his Freddie Flintoff emblazoned Kookaburra bat. It had a
beautiful middle despite being of a slightly irregular shape – and we
remember him top-edging Ian Howarth’s military medium dross for six at
Pembroke. Later, after Dan joined The MAD, his prized instrument of
war split at the base. It was discarded in a huff amongst some long grass by
a pitch, later to be retrieved by the same Mr Howarth as a memento. |
KP Like
Marmite, you either loved or hated him – and the players of The MAD seem to
spend an overly long time arguing about him. Do you really want his full
name…?? Now he’s retired you get to argue about his contributions on BT Sport
or SKY or whatever broadcasting platform he chooses to air his thoughts and
wisdom. |